PO Box 767 | 108 Mile Ranch BC | Canada | keyboard@maddi.ca
Design is content with intent. Content without intent is noise. Intent without content is decoration. — Joe Sparano
Locater maps designed to blend/fit with web or brochure design. To scale with main roads and waters named.
Locater maps make it easy for anyone to find you.
This map locates a tack and Western apparel shop and went on a brochure that looked like stitched leather.
This map was on a website using mainly these colours and the image of the fish on the line.
This map was redone according to how it was used. This one needed the background. Another needed a solid colour.
Same map on white background.
The client's property needed to be drawn on a huge aerial photograph accurately to show topography of region.
Because of international clientel for these clients, the maps often show where in B.C, where in Canada, etc.
This map gives detail to southern BC. The antique border was used in one application and a straight border in another.
Same map with straight border and darker waters.
The background texture made this locater map look borderless on the website.
The website, also designed in these colours, gave names to the numbered landmarks. The red numbers are portages.
Poster size map shows locations of organic farms in B.C.
This map was printed to cover an entire wall. Shows borders of a large agency's regions—similar to regional districts.
Location of the famed Mayor Megaw's historical building which was used as a bed and breakfast for a few years.
Another application of the Mayor Megaw's locater map.
One set of colours and textures to match the website and another to fit on the brochure.
And another version to accommodate website changes.
Locater map for a local bed and breakfast business.
Large view. On click a detailed version popped up.
Many variations of sections of 100 Mile House.
This is the pop-up detail version of the next larger map.
Map locating 100 Mile House within the province of B.C.
Locater map used for a garden tour booklet.
One garden needing its own map in 100 Mile House.
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