PO Box 767 | 108 Mile Ranch BC | Canada | keyboard@maddi.ca
Design is content with intent. Content without intent is noise. Intent without content is decoration. — Joe Sparano
Client needed a vector file for his service provider and only had a newspaper cutting for the image.
Vector file needed with only poor resolution of jpg as original.
Client said red building was gone—could I replace it with a winding path going off into the distance? Yes, I can do that.
The composition was beautiful but almost hopelessly overexposed. Photo editing gives best results when done on high resolution images.
Sometimes you just want to lose 10 years.
Old black-and-white photo colourized.
If only Photoshop worked in reality too!
Original sepia photo had scratches and was faded with age. Scratches were repaired and sepia was livened up a bit.
Severely damaged sepia photo is still repairable!
Great composition but the sky is knocked out. Solution? Replace the sky.
A photo of this building was needed for a brochure so the knocked out sky was replaced to make the photo usable.
Sometimes the most flattering photo for a brochure is the one with an unsuitable background. An easy fix with Photoshop.
The client loved this image for his website but wanted the lens flare removed.
Discoloured and old, Photoshop brought this sepia toned photo back nicely.
Maybe before you paint, see what it will look like and how you will need to decorate to make everything work!
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